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Friday, November 4, 2011 @ 4:39 PM | 0 Comment [s]

Hello hello!
So this will be my official first post.
To start i want to welcome you on my blog and say thank you for reading already!
As a first post i thought that telling you something about myself would be nice.
My name is Jouri ;3! As my extra name i've chosen Jodoon!
Its just a random name i really like haha!
Soo where do i start off!
My date of birth is 14th of may.
My height is 1.81 and my weight changes alot :o!
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I dont know how to explain my school exactly but its like high school :)!
Im doing Digital design, they teach me how to work with adobe programs,
how to create websites and that stuff! I really like my school haha!
Im a huge fan of music! Music is my life for real, without music life would be to boring for me!!
Im from The Netherlands also known as Holland, Im born and raised there.
Its in europe. I live in the north of netherlands in "Friesland"!
I think the name "Friesland" is funny for people who only know English haha!
I think some people might ask whats on my background. Well i dont have a professional studio soo..
Its just my room haha! Well its 50% of my room There is another 50% At the right of the photo!
Well i think that this is all for my first post! Dont forget please follow me on twitter! Im a huge twitter addict~! So please follow me, Always in to answer questions or have a small conversation! Last but not least i want to thank my brother Kife to help me with making my blog! Please check out his blog! Its in my links!
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Stay tuned!

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